
Celebrating active support of Education and Equity for Women and Girls in Alameda since 1962  

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Alameda April General Meeting

April 5, 2025 11:30 – 1:30 PM
India Palace Restaurant
 737 Buena Vista Avenue   Alameda, CA 94501


Board Elections
Guest Speaker – Herb Behrstock, retired UN Officer    

At this next meeting, we look forward to a very special guest speaker.
Herb Behrstock worked for the United Nations for 32 years beginning in 1972, serving in eight countries and also at the headquarters in New York.   He’ll be speaking to us about several headline-issues facing the USA and other countries.  In that context, Herb will refer to some pertinent successes, needs and opportunities, as well as to current challenges and risks arising from what’s been for 80 years the USA’s ”participation and leadership” in the UN.

Since retiring from the UN in 2002, and residing in Alameda with Dorie, Herb’s interests continue as an active officer of the UN Association, locally, regionally and nationally.

At this meeting, we will be voting on the branch’s board for the 2025-26 program  year.

We will enjoy the delicious buffet lunch of long time favorite, India Palace Restaurant. Included in the buffet are salads and savory dishes, breads, dessert, and hot chai. The lunch cost is $30.

Reservation deadline is April 1. Please REGISTER at this LINK: https://square.link/u/USc2oAwx

or using the QR Code:            


Or send a check to: AAUW Alameda ℅ Mary-Jo Knight
2115 Central Avenue, #1
Alameda, CA. 94501

Contact us:  at (510) 463-4966 or kevis.brownson@gmail.com with any questions you have.