Other Interest Groups


We meet the first Sunday of the month – October through June – at the Alameda Theatre for a matinee of a current movie, followed by coffee and conversation at a local cafe. At times we may have other events, including an Academy Awards watching party at a members home. Spouses and partners welcome. For information, please contact Kevis Brownson.


If you enjoy cooking and sampling new foods and socializing with like-minded people, this is your group!  Individual group members/couples take turns hosting themed, monthly events.  We generally meet on the 3rd Saturday evening of the month, but we occasionally change the actual date to accommodate our holidays/conflicts calendars.  The host individual/couple selects the theme, menu, and recipes and either assigns the recipes to the couples/individual members or allows them to choose one.  These are seated dinners, so a dining area with room for 10-12 people, along with ample flatware, dishes, and drinking vessels are necessary to host an event.

Spouses and significant others are welcome in the group and encouraged to join AAUW in support of our organization’s ongoing advocacy efforts and projects.


This group has been a part of Alameda branch for more than 30 years. It is sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association.

Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. The program model involves reading the Great Decisions Briefing Book and  meeting in a discussion group to have a conversation about the most critical global issues facing America today.

The Alameda model involves an initial meeting so that each member can choose one of the 8 topics in the book, then researching and presenting that topic to the group.  If you like politics and attempting to solve the great issues facing the planet, this group is for you.

We meet in the spring, 8 meetings scheduled between February and June. I order the books in December (approximately $25), as soon as they are published. Let me know if you are interested in joining us. Dorothy Kerwin, kerwindorothy@gmail.com, 510 769-9159


The Museum Group meets on the third Thursday of each month from September through June. We go to various museums in the Bay Area to see the latest art shows. Included most years are the de Young, Palace of the Legion of Honor, Cantor at Stanford, Asian Art, MOMA and Oakland Museums. The carpool meets at Ross’ parking lot at South Shore to leave at 9:30 a.m. sharp. We have lunch at the museum and return between 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Interested persons may contact Judy Sparks at 510-523-6736 or  judysparks@comcast.net


We play American-Style Mah Jongg using the National Mah Jongg League card.  We meet on the second and fourth Monday afternoons of the month at members’ homes.  For more information, contact Laura Porter.


We plan to have lunch adventures at Bay Area restaurants the second Wednesday of each month.  We will meet at the Ross parking lot, at South Shore, to carpool.  The first six people to make a reservation may ride in the van.  More people can go if there are volunteer drivers.  The meeting time will vary depending on the destination.